Wellness Journeys

Your journey to a better life starts here

Who We Are

Welcome to 'Itinerari di Benessere,' the portal dedicated to exploring the universe of health and wellness. Our mission is to guide you on an extraordinary journey towards a healthier and more balanced life, supported by science and enriched by passion.

Our Founder

At the helm of this journey is Giovanni, an expert with a degree in Nursing Sciences and solid experience in the field. His career has been characterized by managing pharmacological and analgesic therapy, post-operative care and assistance, health education and therapeutic education directed at patients and families, as well as psychological support. Special attention has always been paid to the assessment and control of infectious risk, diet control, prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, and overall patient wellness management.

Passion and Experience

With thirty years of experience in fractures, trauma, and musculoskeletal injuries, Giovanni has always harbored a deep passion for proper nutrition and general well-being. This passion, combined with intellectual curiosity, has led him to participate in numerous training courses, workshops, and seminars, exploring different dietary philosophies and wellness approaches. Firmly believing that "proper nutrition is the fuel that keeps our engine efficient," Giovanni has chosen to share with you the knowledge gained and experiences lived.

Our Commitment

'Itinerari di Benessere' is more than just a website; it is a reliable guide offering practical tips and advice based on the most important and authoritative scientific and professional resources in the field of wellness. Here, nutrition is seen as science, physical activity as art, and stress management as an essential life philosophy. Our holistic approach to wellness integrates all these components, providing a comprehensive and harmonious view of health.

What You'll Find on Our Site

Wellness Guides: Practical advice, self-care tips, and strategies for dealing with stress to help you establish habits that promote your physical and mental health.

Education and Awareness: Science-based information and experience to better understand the world of wellness.

Sharing Scientific Discoveries: The latest scientific discoveries in the field of wellness and health to inspire and support you in achieving your ideal well-being.

Our Philosophy

We do not claim to replace professional medical advice. Our goal is to stay up-to-date on what research is revealing and share these discoveries with you to help you achieve lasting balance and serenity in your life.

Join us on this journey of discovery and growth towards wellness. Together, we will explore how to maintain peak health and preserve the well-being of the mind and body.